The Animal Protectorates and TAPS are used interchangeably at times.

The Animal Protectorates wraps its arms around every pet coming into our program.  We love them, nuture them, give them veterinary care – help them get past the trauma of the shelter and losing their families.  We study their personalities and nuances and love their individuality – and do that until we have a good understanding of what type of home they may thrive in – for however long that takes.

We are very selective in where our pets are placed once they come into the program because our mission is not like a municipal shelter where the sheer volume of animals being taken in makes it necessary to adopt based sometimes only on a person being of legal age and nothing else.  Our mission, instead, is to find the best matched home for a particular pet.  While a family may be an excellent family – they may not be the right home for a particular pet they have expressed an interest based on the pet’s outward appearance.  We dig deeper in our adoption approach.

Because we have a donated beautiful and safe place for our pets to live, we focus on finding their very best next story – a story we want to be a fairy tale for them.  We seek to transform their lives from a state of hurt, fear, neglect and loneliness to one of joy, security, love and calm.

The Animal Protectorates does its very very best to Transform A Pet’s Story.